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It's mid-June and I am in the Florida Keys, dressed in a wetsuit and eager to learn more about their ocean conservation efforts. The world has lost a third of its coral reefs, with current projections predicting that this number will rise to more than 60% in the next 30 year. It is crucial to save this fragile marine ecosystem. Replica Richard Mille Watches is partnering with the Coral Restoration Foundation to conserve coral reefs. 2017 will see the launch of the Staghorn Restoration Limited Edition watch to celebrate this ongoing relationship.

Over a torrent of rain and wind, our captain shouts "Divers ready!" The tumultuous weather front three miles off Key Largo in Florida appears more ominous than ever as the clouds roar and the occasional shard lightening illuminate the sky.

The captain motions toward the aluminium structure that clanks against the boat's hull under the rocking waves, "One step on the ladder and a huge stride in." My BCD (buoyancy controller device) is fully inflated. I jump in, float effortlessly on top, then take a few deep breaths through the regulator and let the air out. I am submerged in seconds and all signs of the storm that was brewing above are gone.

I am able to see Ken Nedimyer (President and Founder of the Coral Restoration Foundation), gliding effortlessly among the coral-trees planting the next generation live Staghorn coral.corum replica watches I descend further to meet him. Nedimyer wrote on a waterproof slate, "These are nearly nine months old." They are ready for out-planting now.

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